Second Notice of 2023 Annual Meeting


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE , pursuant to Florida Statutes and the Bylaws of Palm Spring Villas South Maintenance, Inc., (the “Association”), that, for members of the Association, the annual meeting of the Association will be held on Monday June 26th at 6:00 p.m., at San Lazaro Catholic Church, for the purpose of, among other matters, the electing of three (5) directors to the Board of Directors of the Association and to conduct pending business and others which may properly be brought at an Annual Meeting.

However, since the Association did not receive any notice of Candidacy for any available director positions, the same Board members will serve on the Board as directors and no election at the Annual Meeting will be necessary. There will still be an annual meeting of the board of directors will take place on June 26th.

Board of Directors:
Avelino Barcia
Juan Vega
Maria Cendan
Soraya Marino
Braulio Hernandez

Re: Reunion anual / electoral de miembros programada para el Lunes Junio 26th 2023
Estimados propietarios de unidades:

Se adjunta al presente una copia oficial del Segundo A viso de la Reunion Anual / Electoral de Palm Spring Villas South. La Reunion esta programada para el Lunes 26 de Junio del 2023, a las 6:00 pm en San Lazaro Catholic Church 4400 W 18 Ave

Sin embargo, dado que la Asociacion no recibio ningun aviso de Candidatura para ningun puesto de director disponible, los mismos miembros de la Junta se desempefiaran en la Junta como directores y no sera necesaria ninguna eleccion en la Reunion Anual, pero si se llevara a cabo una reunion general de la junta directiva.

Junta Directiva:
Avelino Barcia
Juan Vega
Maria Cendan
Soraya Marino
Braulio Hernandez


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